
Ph.D – Political Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil

BA – Political Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel


Head of the Academic Committee


Fluent in Hebrew, English, Portuguese, Spanish, German

Dr. Samuel Feldberg

Few years ago we decided to join a holistic learner plan, which focuses the spotlight in the importance and value of the researcher supervision during their research. At WAO we believe that sometimes doctoral education is not only about classes, leading a research, or writing a thesis, but also about growing as an individual, professionally and personally while contributing to your local and international comunnity. We are proud to promote the fact that we are committed to diversity and multicultural projects, and that dedication is reflected in the variety of our conference meet ups. This offers a unique opportunity to match and define new roads that are interdisciplinary and exclusive for our academics.




2012 –             Fellow of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies – Tel Aviv Uni.


2011 –             Researcher and lecturer of the Graduation program at Diversitas – Center for Study on

                       Diversity, Intolerance and  conflicts at University of São Paulo – Brazil


2002 – 2017    Lecturer of History of International Relations and International Conflicts at

        Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco, São Paulo, Brazil


1998 – 2003   Lecturer of International Relations and International Conflicts at the Center for 

                       International Relations Research, University of São Paulo, Brazil


2004 –             Brandeis University research fellow in Israel Studies


2004 –         Lecturer – Politics and International Relations at Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo, São Paulo,  Brazil


  • – Middle  East area coordinator at Group for International Conjuncture Analysis –   

      University  of São Paulo


2008 –  2011    Research fellow at LEI USP – Laboratory for Studies on Intolerance – Holocaust Teaching

                        Project Coordinator, at Universidade de São Paulo – Brazil



Book Publications


FELDBERG, Samuel . Estados Unidos e Israel: Uma Aliança em questão (The US and Israel: an alliance in check).  São Paulo: Editora Hucitec, 2008


FELDBERG, Samuel . ONU 60 anos – Considerações sobre seu poder. (UN 60 years: Considerations on its power) In: Thiago Rodrigues; Wagner de Melo Romão. (Org.). A ONU no século XXI: Perspectivas. (The UN in the 21st century: Perspectives) São Paulo: Editora Desatino, 2006, v. , p. 101-104.


FELDBERG, Samuel . Acordo (Agreement) Sykes – Picot (1916). In: Demétrio Magnoli. (Org.). História da Paz. (History of the Peace) São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva, 2008, p. 183-210.


FELDBERG, Samuel (translator into Portuguese) .GILBERT, Martin, Holocaust. São Paulo: Editora Hucitec, 2010


FELDBERG, Samuel (translator into Portuguese) .SHAPIRA, Anita, Israel, A History RJ: Editora Record, 2017



Dozens of articles on the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict published over a decade



Midia Exposition

Analyst and commentator for various newspapers and radio stations, Middle East, American Foreign Policy and International Conflicts


Field of Specialization

Holocaust Studies

Arab/Israeli and Israeli /Palestinian conflicts


Research in progress

                Arab minority perception of democracy in Israel

                Asymmetric warfare in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

                Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations

                History of the Holocaust and the Second World War – a teaching guide